Maximizing the recovery of waste for beneficial reuse is the goal of Envision Waste Services. As opposed to mass burn WTE facilities which combust all waste, Envision strives to achieve the separation and recovery of each constituent within solid waste for its highest and best use. Envision Waste Services sets its priority by the highest and best value. We believe commodity value to be the highest value, next to compostable value, and then finally to calorific value.

Engineered Fuel Pellets
Ever mindful of the environment, Envision recognizes that certain constituents left in the waste stream post recycling and composting can be harmful to the environment if combusted. Therefore, Envision has created what it calls Engineered Fuel – a strategically separated material used to replace coal in existing utility boilers, cement and lime kilns, and gasifiers. We sort to remove materials containing heavy metals, chlorides, and others from the waste stream such that our Engineered Fuel can be used as a coal substitute safely. In fact our lab results and actual results prove that our Engineered Fuel burns cleaner than coal and may be eligible for carbon credits.
Unique to Envision is our highly selective sorting system able to be tuned to consistently create high quality engineered fuel meeting the specifications of the end user. Envision has received 2 United States Patents for our designs.
Despite social and political pressure to curb coal combustion, EIA reports that 774.6 million tons of coal were combusted in the US in 2017 representing a 6.4% increase. This shows that coal is a fuel that remains prominent in the US. Recognizing that there are plenty of “stacks” existing in the USA, Envision seeks to engineer and supply a product that can be used in these existing plants rather than create new stacks in the form of WTE facilities.
Envision has significant experience separating waste to create Engineered Fuel. Envision has prepared and furnished Engineered Fuel to 4 cement kilns and 4 utility boilers where it was co-fired with coal. In each case, continuous emission monitoring was conducted. The results allowed the applicable facilities to obtain their regulatory air permit modifications. In all cases, emissions from the co-fire of our Engineered Fuel combined with coal were more favorable than emissions from the combustion of 100% coal.

Please call us or email Envision for more information on our test and lab results or to discuss how Envision can help create or supply Engineered Fuel for your application.